If you are new to this Moodle site or simply not sure how to use it in your training course, this quick guide is for you. 

This page is a quick orientation on the site you are already on, the EUMETSAT Moodle platform, https://classroom.eumetsat.int. It covers some of its main features, as well as system requirements and a few tips on learning online. Have a quick look at it, even if you are familiar with the platform.

If you are reading this guide, you are mostly likely already a registered user of the EUMETSAT Moodle platform, a course management system. While you are will be able to browse through some of the courses hosted here without an account, for a complete learning experience, we recommend you create an account and log in. Most of the courses on this platform will require you to do so. 

If you are looking quickly find courses you're enrolled in, you will find these under MY COURSES in the main menu. 

In order to apply for a course with open registration, go to Apply for Courses

If you have any questions or issues using the platform, contact your course instructors or drop us an email at training@eumetsat.int.

Mobile friendly

You may choose to participate in the course using your smartphone. To get going, download the Moodle App. This App allows you to use the course page on your phone. You need to login only once by adding the web address classroom.eumetsat.int into the App and your usual username and password. Find the course and Star it to bring it always on the top of the list of courses.

Additional digital tools we might use in the course such as Webex, Zoom, Sli.do, Padlet or Slack are also all available as mobile apps.

First, a few words on learning online

As a participant in an online course, you are entering a learning environment that’s very different from a traditional classroom setting. You get access to great instructors, a community of learners and engaging activities and resources without having to travel to remote locations.

An online learning environment has some special considerations. Since you cannot make the same social connections as you do in a classroom setting, you must be more proactive about connecting with the instructors and other participants. Here are some guidelines and tips to consider while participating in this course.

  • Login to the course website as soon and as often as you can.
  • Read the Course Guide and other resources when they are made available.
  • Actively explore the course website and familiarise yourself with its features and functions.
  • Use the Participants list on the course website to learn about your fellow participants.
  • Be an active participant in all or most activities.
  • Use proper language and be constructive and positive in all online discussions. Emotions and attitudes are easily misinterpreted in email and forum postings. Be aware of how a posting can "sound" to others before you submit it. See section Using Forums.

Some of the hardest parts of being an online student are managing time and dealing with distractions. If you are taking the course in your office, protect your time and do not let yourself get pulled away from an activity. Make sure that your home environment does not distract you from your learning. Set aside a regularly scheduled block of time to devote to the course, as if you had a scheduled a course on a campus. Inform your co-workers or family that you will not be available during that time.

We will be asking for feedback regularly at various points in the course. Please take the time to fill out any surveys or feedback forms and let us know how we can improve the course.

With these guidelines and tips in mind, we hope that you have a successful and productive time in the course!

Course navigation

Depending on the design and layout chosen by your instructor, you will experience course navigation differently. Some courses will have a more linear navigation where sections are listed sequentially, allowing you to move through the course step-by-step. Other themes might offer a grid or tile-based layout, where you can jump directly to specific sections or activities. Additionally, you may notice a docked course menu enabling easy access to different sections without scrolling.

On the right-hand side of the page, you may have the block drawer. Depending on the course, you might see blocks such as a Participants, ResourcesCourse completion or Badges blocks.

We often use a Calendar block for live events and deadlines. Keep in mind that times are displayed in UTC.

On the top-right-hand side of each page you will see your name. Hover over with your mouse to open a menu, which will provide you with access to your Profile settings and among others, a list of Preferences. Here is where you can change your password and set your forum preferences.

Next is the language setting – change the interface language to your preferred language.

Also in that menu you may access your Messages where you can send and receive messages within the Moodle platform either privately to one person or to/from your entire group/class.

Using Forums

Course online communication can take place within forums where everyone can contribute. Unlike a chat room, in forums you do not need to be online at the same time to communicate with others - this also means you should not expect an immediate answer from fellow participants or course instructors. 

While at times it is perfectly good to just tell another participant or facilitator ‘thanks’ for a good idea or that you agree, many posts should do more. The best posts should contribute to the discussion by sharing your perspective or a relevant experience. You are expected to:

  • Only post thoughtful responses. Read more on netiquette.
  • Stay on topic (or start a new discussion, if appropriate)
  • Be constructive rather than critical in your responses (remember that readers cannot hear your tone of voice or see your expressions)
  • Use respectful, appropriate language
  • For technical postings, clarify words that may cause confusion
  • Provide timely responses

Click “Add a new discussion topic” to ask a new question or make a statement to the entire class. Remember to read previous postings and replies to be sure that your questions have not already been asked or addressed by others.

If your inbox is being flooded by forum emails, you can change the Forums settings in Preferences under your Profile.

Got disconnected?
  • A stable Internet connection is recommended. However, we all experience problems with unreliable internet connections at times. To overcome this, you might choose to use at times a mobile phone connection or a public network, especially if your institute connection is restricted/limited. Try logging in during less congested internet traffic times in the evening or early morning. On our side, we try to be flexible, record live sessions for later access and minimise the image size and avoid excessive use of heavy animations.
  • The course will work on PC, Mac, or mobile devices. It is recommended that you keep your browser up to date. For the best experience, use modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari for optimal compatibility.
  • Many resources will be available for download. Search for options to print out, such as “Print this chapter” or “Print this book” in the administration block.
  • Most PDF files can be viewed directly in your browser without needing the Acrobat Reader plugin. 
  • Files may open in new windows or tabs. Ensure your browser is set to allow popups and cookies, and that JavaScript is enabled.  
  • Maximum upload size cannot not exceed 128MB in order to save disk space on our Moodle server.
  • If you want to share a video, drop it on a site like Vimeo or YouTube, and just share the link. For more than a few pictures, use Flickr, Pinterest, Picasa, etc. and share the link. Videos offered in this course will mostly be hosted on Vimeo or YouTube.
  • We might arrange a synchronous video/ audio conference. For this purpose, we are likely to use Webex or Zoom. In order to participate in good conditions, plan a quiet room and a headset. Make sure you come online in Webex 10 minutes to test your system.
  • Additional digital tools we might use in the course include Padlet, Slido or Slack. These do not require log in or authentification. Apps are available for mobile devices.

Modifié le: lundi 12 août 2024, 12:21