And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Patrick Parrish -
Número de respuestas: 11

Dear CALMet Online participants,

Thanks for a wonderful experience. First of all, every team and individual that contributed to a Learning Activity is a winner because they challenge themselves to design an active approach to learning. We should all give a round of applause to Teams Cumulus, Altocumulus, Stratocumulus, Cumulonimbus, and Cirrrus. The official winners will be given below . . .

Secondly, this game was not just a game, but an opportunity to test out designing learning activities of various types. Even if you did not play, and especially if you did, we are making some resources available that might be of interest. Just see the section on the CALMet Online site: and look beneath the section called "Resources on Learning Activities and Games for Learning."

Thirdly, we hope that you might take a few moments to complete a short evaluation about your experience with the game. We may use modified versions of Learnopoly in future conferences outside of CALMet, so your input will be valuable. The evaluation link is:

Fourthly, oh yes, the winners. :)

Due to the fact that the number of ratings varied so much between the submitted Learning Activites (from 3 to 11), we are using the average ratings rather than totals. However, you will see that the results were too close for this kind of game for ratings to be the only factor. So following that, Maja and Patrick made their final selections of the winners based on their judgement of how well the submitted Learning Activity addressed the criteria represented in the Topic choice, the Learning Solution, and the description of the Learning Activity Type. So, the average rating is not the only criteria for winning. The winners are presented at bottom.

After averaging all the ratings, here are the top 6 rated Learning Activites. (Team name/Learning Activity number/Team primary authors and then the criteria) = Average rating

1. Team Cumulonimbus/3/Roro (Lab Ex/Classroom/Climate) = 2.75

2. Team Cumulonimbus/2a/Lara (Collaborative/Asynch/Observers) = 2.75

3. Team Stratocumulus/2b/Vesa (Socratic/Asynch/Marine) = 2.62

4. Team Stratocumulus/2a/KathyAnn (Socratic/Asynch/Marine) = 2.5

5. Team Cumulonimbus/2b/Roro/Bruce (Collaborative/Ansynch/Observers) = 2.48

6. Team Cumulonimbus/1/Larissa (Simulation/Classroom/Satellite) = 2.40

After further deliberation, the winners are, in order:

1. Team Cumulonimbus/3 (Roro) Lab Ex/Classroom/Climate = 2.75

This is an excellent example of the problem approach, teaching learners a contributing skill for climate forecasts—identifying the forecast differences produced when different sources of data have been the primary source.

6. Team Cumulonimbus/1 (Larissa) Simulation/Classroom/Satellite = 2.40

Uses an excellent role play set up and addresses a key satellite data challenge involving professionals from 2 disciplines.

3. Team Stratocumulus/2a (Vesa) Socratic/Asynch/Marine = 2.62

Excellent description of how a Socrates-type teacher can help learners come to good conclusions, and learn a good analysis process, by asking the right questions.

5. Team Cumulonimbus/2b (Roro/Bruce) Collaborative/Ansynch/Observers = 2.48

The Learning Activity is bigger than a single learning activity, and presents a larger training programme. But Part 2 has the collaborative activity at its heart. Impressive comprehensive approach, including assessment. 

2. Team Cumulonimbus/2a (Lara) Collaborative/Asynch/Observers = 2.75

Excellent design for either student or professional development, but we felt the collaborative aspects were not fully developed.

4. Team Stratocumulus/2b (KathyAnn) Socratic/Asynch/Marine = 2.5

A very nice exercise on Marine forecasting, with most of the resources required included! But we felt the Socratic aspects were not fully described.

So, in terms of winning teams, the answer is clear. Cumulonimbus is the champion, followed by Stratocumulus


You can find all the winning Learning Activities attached, for your convenience. Take the time to read them and you will see why these people deserve applause. Thanks for playing!

Maja and Patrick

En respuesta a Patrick Parrish

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Bruce Muller -

I think the real winners in this event are the organizers, Patrick and Maja, for taking the risk in porting this fun game to its online incarnation. Well done! I really appreciate you using the CALMet Online venue to try new things like this. We all learn from your efforts. And we get to have fun interacting and learning from each other as well.  Kudos!!

Thank you to the rest of the participants for sharing your ideas. Great work full of good ideas.

En respuesta a Bruce Muller

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Larissa Timofeyeva -


What a great news!  

Patrick and Maja, thanks a lot for being so patient and helpful.

For me Learnopoly is not over yet )

Best wishes to all the participants and 

Thank you all!


En respuesta a Patrick Parrish

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Ivan Smiljanic -

It's hard to be so heavily beaten J, but was a pleasure  to be a part. Thanks to the whole Cumulus team, specially to captain Ladislav!

Maja and Patrick, you invested a lot of energy into this online version of the game (i.e. learning process) and I really hope that you'll have the chance to repeat it sometimes. Therefore I hope your survey will come to many addresses so next time we can enjoy in advanced version of the game!? Thank you for your effort.



En respuesta a Ivan Smiljanic

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Ladislav Coso -

Congrats to winners!

And of course congrats to my team. My dear friends we had tried but this time other were a bit better, next time things will be different! :-)

And to the organizers, well nice work you two, very nice. :-)

En respuesta a Ladislav Coso

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Patrick Parrish -

Dear Ladislav and Team Cumulus,

As we said, the ratings were close. You did not win, but you produced some great learning activities that were right up near the top. Next time, you will be ready. :)

Thanks for your kind words and for playing. 


En respuesta a Patrick Parrish

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Kathy-Ann Caesar -

Hi Pat and Maja

Congratulations to all the teams!

Thanks for a great experience and a new look at how we can improve our online class experience.

Also thanks to Mark for the leadership. 

Cheers to ALL


En respuesta a Kathy-Ann Caesar

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Jonah Kazora -

hey happy to your views it was very Interesting am getting more experience in online class.its helped to improve my skills.thank you Patrick and Maja.


En respuesta a Patrick Parrish

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Izolda Marcinonienė -

What a surprise! and prize-so many points:)

My team members were very active-thank you, all! And many thanks to Maja and Pat-for patience and being stubborn:)




En respuesta a Patrick Parrish

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Nurahmini Muchtar -

Hi Pat and Maja

Congrats to cb and sc team

Hope the both of team could be instance for another team,and me from cirrus team having enjoy this games,and little proud for finalized the 3 of LA in last minutes, thank you for our captain (hernan) and also my cirrus team for this cooperation :-)


En respuesta a Patrick Parrish

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Larisa Nikitina -

Congratulation, my Team!

and happy playing to all other!

Adjunto CB team.jpg
En respuesta a Larisa Nikitina

Re: And the Learnopoly Winners Are . . .

de Patrick Parrish -

Champions indeed! 

I wish I was on a training development team with all of you. Even if you wore those costumes. :)

I think the key to your success was very good team coordination, and that each of you quickly read the rules, asked questions for clarification, and came up with a team strategy so that you could divide the effort. You spanned13 time zones, so this was no small feat. 

Asynchronous, time-bound team work is not easy, but you proved it could work with planning and effort. 

Kudos to you.
