WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Roro Yuliana Purwanti -
Número de respuestas: 10

Dear Colleagues,

WMO Course for Trainers 2017 will offer openly available webinars for worldwide audience. Two webinars are already confirmed, you can read more about them below. 

You are welcome to join, no pre-registration is required. Just follow the information below to join the online sessions.

See you all soon!

Warm regards,

Roro and Vesa


Webinar 1: Can we make live virtual training more active?

Facilitators: Vesa Nietosvaara (EUMETSAT), Luciane Veeck (WMO/VLab) and Roro Yuliana Purwanti (BMKG)

Webinar descriptionMost of us have already participated or offered live virtual training during the past few years, but did they fulfill our expectations of being an active learning experience?

Virtual training is very different from just presenting information online. It requires engagement and practice.

From setting up the right expectations to designing for interaction, the discussions and activities in this online session will bring ideas to help you rethink the way you design learning for virtual classrooms.

Join us for this active learning experience on 31 May. Be prepared to be active!

Date31 May 2017
Time08:00 UTC

Link to attend session: https://met-learning.webex.com/met-learning/k2/j.php?MTID=t30e64ca2f4a949651145b47b885bedbb
Session number: 958 189 004
Session password: web1

Webinar 2: Using a new plug-in for Moodle to build a Meteorology Simulation

Facilitators: Brendan Kilshaw (UK Met Office) and Jodie Ramsdale (UK Met Office)

Webinar description: As part of a programme of work with the South African Weather Service Regional Training Centre and in collaboration with EUMETSAT, the Met Office College built on the work of KNMI, EUMETSAT and others to produce a new plug-in for Moodle which allows trainers to build case-study simulations as Moodle learning activities.

The plug-in allows trainers to create simulation case studies directly into their Moodle course, using the Moodle interface to set the variables, build the menu, create the content and upload data. Using a Moodle learning activity has the advantage of speeding up the build process and allows the trainer to present the simulation in the context of other learning resources and activities on a Moodle course page. Once a simulation has been built it can be backed up and restored like any other Moodle activity and also has an option to download an offline version for use in situations with limited connectivity.

 This session will introduce participants to the plug-in and show how to use it.

Date8 June 2017
Time08:30 UTC

Link to attend session: https://met-learning.webex.com/met-learning/k2/j.php?MTID=tab40b84c9b41bf85643bcd8937d43980
Session number: 959 591 169
Session password: web2

Attending the Webinars in WebEx Training Centre

We will be using “WebEx Training Centre” as our web-conferencing system. You may be prompted to install the “Cisco WebEx add-on”, if it is the first time you attend an online session using WebEx. If attending from a mobile device, you will need to install the Cisco WebEx Meeting application (only needed the first time you join via mobile). The installation should launch automatically once you click the link to attend the meeting.

More information on WebEx Systems Requirements are available at https://help.webex.com/docs/DOC-6336

How to Join the Webinars:

1.    Click the specific links provided above to join each webinar.

2.    You will be asked to enter your name and email address. If joining from a mobile device, you will be asked to enter the Session number and password too. These are also provided above and are specific for each webinar.

3.    Click “Join Now”.

4.    Follow the instructions that appear on your screen to set up audio. You will be asked to “Join This Integrated Voice Conference”

5.    If you do not see this box to accept “Join This Integrated Voice Conference”, you can still set up your audio using the “Audio” tab from top menu and choosing “Integrated Voice Conference” > “Join Conference”

Additionally, some general advice on joining WebEx sessions is available at https://help.webex.com/docs/DOC-5521

En respuesta a Roro Yuliana Purwanti

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Roro Yuliana Purwanti -

Hello everyone,

First webinar of Module 3 from WMO Course for Trainer 2017 for was presented yesterday with great participation: We were 3 facilitators and 24 very active attendees!

We would like to thank all attendees for their great participation sharing questions, comments, suggestions, drawings, answering polls, taking the microphone, well... for all participation really! We very much enjoyed the webinar yesterday and hope for those who attended, got some new ideas to try in their webinars too :)

We are very aware that the time of this webinar was not ideal for everyone as we are quite spread out in different time zones, so we recorded it.  We will provide you with the link and password to watch the recorded session soon. 

The conferencing system we used for this session (WebEx) offers the possibility to keep activities like the chat, polls and even some video streaming from the session available in the recording, so this may help participants to get a good idea of how interactive the session was. The first three "floating boxes" (participants list, table of contents and video) will open automatically when the recording starts to play, but participants will need to look at the icons on top right to open the chat and the polls.

In addition to the recording, we also made available a pdf version of the "Chat Box" for those who would like to go back to the exchanged comments with more time to read them carefully.

Oh, and we noticed that the results of the first two polls were not captured in the recording, so we also made them available in a pdf format for you to check.

Finally, we are now writing our "webinar summary" to post at the CALMet Commons. We hope to be able to post in the coming day or so. We will let you know once the summary is posted, so that you could have a look and even continue this conversation about ways to make live virtual training more active!

Vesa, Roro and Lu

En respuesta a Roro Yuliana Purwanti

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Roro Yuliana Purwanti -

Hello fellow participants,

In following our previous message, here is the recording link :

for you to access the 1st webinar. 

And we attach also the .pdf version of chat box and the pool result for you to know what going on in the session was in detail. May you get idea or inspiration from those documents as us the facilitators.

The CALMet Commons article is in preparation.

Thank you for your attention. We will keep you updated.

Happy Sunday with relatives and family,

Roro - Vesa - Lu

En respuesta a Roro Yuliana Purwanti

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Roro Yuliana Purwanti -

Hello everyone,

This is just a reminder that Webinar 2: Using a new plug-in for Moodle to build a Meteorology Simulation, will take place today, 8 June, at 08:30 UTC. The Webinar will be presented by Brendan Kilshaw and Jodie Ramsdale, from the UK Met Office College. If you missed their online session here in CALMet Online 2016 from last October, now here again your opportunity to discuss with them synchronously.  

If you are planning to attend the webinar from a mobile device (like a pad or phone), just remember to install the WebEx app in advance and make sure you have the “session number” and “session password” handy to login.

Link to attend session: https://met-learning.webex.com/met-learning/k2/j.php?MTID=tab40b84c9b41bf85643bcd8937d43980
Session number: 959 591 169
Session passwordweb2

You will find more information about how to join the webinar in the previous post.

We are looking forward to meeting you online today.

Roro and Vesa

En respuesta a Roro Yuliana Purwanti

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Roro Yuliana Purwanti -

Hello Everyone,

I am pleased to announce that we will have another webinar offered by TOMORROW.

Bodo Zeschke from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, who many of you already met online in the previous webinars, will be coordinating the VLab Australian Regional Focus Group (RFG) Tuesday 13 June at 02:00 UTC. As for all VLab RFG sessions attendance is free of charge and the Webinar web conferencing software will be used. You are all invited to attend.

The Australian RFG is organized by the WMO-VLab Centre of Excellence in Melbourne once every month. They have been offering the sessions since October 2013, gathering a lot of experience on organizing and running live online training in satellite meteorology along these years. The sessions are coordinated by Bodo Zeschke, who has been collaborating with a variety of regional partners from Japan, Indonesia, Korea and China. They have an extensive library of recordings of previous online sessions available at http://www.virtuallab.bom.gov.au/archive/regional-focus-group-recordings/, including some related animations. You are welcome to check them out and see the variety of training topics they have been considering. 

The topics of discussion for the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meeting tomorrow are as follows:

  • A brief summary of the remote sessions of the WMO Course for Trainers for RA-II and RA-V that I attended recently (Bodo Zeschke BMTC)
  • A Weather and Forecast discussion incorporating two short case studies showcasing Himawari-8 satellite products and high resolution NWP data (Bodo Zeschke BMTC)

The details to join the session are:

Webinar 3: VLab Australian Regional Focus Group

Facilitators: Bodo Zeschke (AU BMTC)

Date: 13 June

Time: 02:00 UTC

Link to attend session: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2317866552066522113 

We hope you will be able to attend this webinar too. This is a very interactive live session!

Best regards,

Roro and Vesa

En respuesta a Roro Yuliana Purwanti

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Lisa Haga -


Is it possible to view the session recordings afterwards if you have not signed up for the session? :) Will they be available here as well?`



En respuesta a Lisa Haga

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Bodo Zeschke -

Hi Lisa

I will make the recording of the session available soon. I will let Lu know when this has happened.

Regards Bodo

PS. today’s session was very interactive. Maybe not quite as interactive as Lu, Roro and Vesa’s first session “Can we make live virtual training more active”, but I enjoyed receiving lots of audience feedback to the questions posed

En respuesta a Lisa Haga

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Roro Yuliana Purwanti -

Dear all

I forward you Bodo's information regarding the recording. Hope you find it beneficial. Sorry for the delayed post. I wish you all successful week ahead.

Roro - Vesa


Dear Colleagues


The recordings of the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meeting of the 13th June 2017 are now on the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence web page at http://www.virtuallab.bom.gov.au/archive/regional-focus-group-recordings/


To make it easier for you I have subdivided the recording of the Regional Focus Group meeting into its individual subtopics. These range from 3 to 29 minutes in duration and 3Mb to 71Mb in size. Files are in .wmv and .mp4 format to suit a variety of computer platforms.


It may be best to download the files prior to playing these in order to avoid bandwidth problems.


In the recordings I have also removed two minor errors in the labelling of the slides as presented on the day. I always carefully edit the recordings after the session to make the final product “smooth as silk”.

It is also a useful learning experience for me as I am reviewing the presentation from the perspective of the participants (you)!


The next joint Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Regional Focus Group meeting will be held during July 2017. I will give more information closer to the date.





Bodo Zeschke


Australian VLab Centre of Excellence Point of Contact

Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre

1010 LaTrobe Street

Melbourne VIC 3008


Tel: +61 3 9669 4753 | e-mail: b.zeschke@bom.gov.au



En respuesta a Roro Yuliana Purwanti

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Amos Asalu -

While the training is good, timing remains a challenge. For instance 0200 UTC is very early for us in East Africa. I suggest anywhere between 1000 and 1200UTC would be good.

Best regards


En respuesta a Amos Asalu

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Bodo Zeschke -

Hi Amos

I agree that international training is at the mercy of the earth's round shape and the fact that we have only one sun (I am feeling in a humorous mood after a loooong day at work today!)

10 to 12 UTC in Melbourne Australia would be 8-10pm local time during winter and 9-11pm local time during summer and it would be difficult to obtain a good audience then. We have conducted a poll over our region (WMO RAV) and it appears that 02-03UTC suits most of the countries.

However, the recorded sessions are a solution. In fact during our recent Advanced Satellite Meteorology Practical Session our Australian Bureau of Meteorolgy students were asked to assess the recording "Trial of a short "end to end" case study as preferred by forecasters, incorporating training in the effective use of Himawari-8 data" and presented during our December 2016 Regional Focus Group meeting (at http://www.virtuallab.bom.gov.au/archive/regional-focus-group-recordings/ ). This worked well. The students really appreciated how the case study unified the satellite data, the other observations and NWP within the forecast process. The students enjoyed experiencing good forecast practise (utilising the forecast funnel, analysing observations first and then looking at NWP model data, comparing at least two NWP model outputs for consistency, the checking across different datasets (satellite data, RADAR, surface observations) etc.). The students enjoyed listening to the interaction from the audience (questions etc.) whilist they were listening to the recording and answering the questions that I posed them. Most students thought that a half hour recording was a reasonable length for a recorded case study.


En respuesta a Amos Asalu

Re: WMO Course for Trainers 2017 Webinar Sessions

de Patrick Parrish -


I would suggest that you join the South Africa Weather Service weather briefings, or encourage RTC Kenya (another VLab Center of Excellence) to begin offering their own briefings. Maybe you too could be a session leader from time to time.
