European Weather Cloud
Weekly outline
Morning session 1 - The European Weather Cloud Service Update
Speakers: Roope Tervo (EUMETSAT), Xavier Abellan (ECMWF), Roberto Cuccu (ECMWF), Francesco Murdaca (EUMETSAT)Morning Session 2 - User Contribution: What are EWC users doing?
Morning Session 2 - Use Case 1
Speaker: Wang Ping (KNMI)
Title: FRESCO-N Fast Retrieval Scheme for Clouds from Oxygen absorption bands (FRESCO), using ML
Morning Session 2 - Use Case 2
Speaker: Gert Mertes (ECMWF)
Title: ECMWF AI/ML activities and services on the EWC
Morning Session 2 - Use Case 3
Speaker: Caglar Kucuk (GeoSphere)
Title: Advancing precipitation nowcasting with transformerbased models: towards integration of MTG
Morning Session 2 - Use Case 4
Speaker: Jonathan Demaeyer (RMI)
Title: DEODE Project use of the EWCAfternoon Session 1 - User Contribution: What are EWC users doing?
Afternoon Session 1 - Use Case 1
Speaker: Marco Marquard (DWD, CMSAF)
Title: Processing climate data records at EWC
Afternoon Session 1 - Use Case 2
Speaker: Martin Raspaud (SMHI)
Title: Processing and visualizing FCI data
Afternoon Session 1 - Use Case 3
Speaker: Vegar Kristiansen (MET Norway)
Title: Providing open radar data as part of RODEO project
Afternoon Session 1 - Use Case 4
Speaker: Nina Burgdorfer (MeteoSwiss)
Title: Expansion of the Flexpart use case presented last year, with focus on how to share this solution with the community
Afternoon Session 1 - Use Case 5
Speaker: Paul Perez (RMI)
Title: CbrnAlert: Web Application for Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling of CBRN releases, in the EWC
Afternoon Session 2 - Discussion and Feedback-
This folder contains all the presentations showed in the EWC User Workshop.